why did darkstalker kill his father

Class C Darkstalkers are the average demons, which make up the backbone of Makai, and thus one can take down a small army of humans. [56] He devolved into a sad, furious mourning,[57] but a strange angry kind where he kept insisting his mother would come home soon, despite Clearsight telling him she would not. Status Furious, Darkstalker grabbed and twisted Clearsight's wrist painfully, and while he is doing so, she slipped the bracelet onto his arm. She had laughed about Diamond's idea of a "gift of vision," stating that it would be much better if it were something that told you what was going to happen whenever you ask, but that he should not make that, as Diamond would likely do terrible things with it. Winter remained unaffected by the plague because of Darkstalker's promise to Moonwatcher that he would not hurt her friends. Indigo. He inherited his animus powers from his father, but chose to not reveal them. Aunts or Uncles The next day, after school, Darkstalker took Clearsight to his house, which was empty; both of his parents were at work. He showed her a blank scroll, also known as his talisman, that was wrapped in a black leather casing, and explained that he had put all of his animus power into it so that he would not lose any of his soul when he used his magic. When Qibli got to the lost city of night and talks to Moon, he gave her the earring, and she said nothing had happened, stating Darkstalker had not put a spell on Moon because he liked her as a friend. She mourned him and their possible future dragonets for a long time after he was trapped, and never moved on, even after relocating to Pantala. [43] Later in the book, Arctic shows disapproval of her feelings for Thoughtful, most likely because he was a NightWing. [41], Although they were arranged to be married, Arctic found Snowflake quite unmemorable, and was worried that she might not have a personality besides repressed fury. Later, Moon and Qibli spied on Darkstalker and overhear him casting spells on the fake Clearsight to recreate her, which ultimately failed. [39] He was crueler than necessary towards Arctic[40] and held a serious grudge against Indigo after she attempted to kill him. Then, she had Fathom enchant a bracelet for her, as they were too suspicious of the scroll to use it. I don't know. [139] She believed that he was good, and that he wanted the most peaceful future for Pyrrhia,[140] and she believed wholeheartedly that he would never kill her. After the party, Darkstalker thought about how Indigo could have killed him right then and there. Quickdeath. To be immune to enchantments by all other animi. To send Darkstalker a mental twinge whenever a new animus spell is cast. [114] She was sad enough about him that she considered staying with him until the mountain crushed her. Before Darkstalker fell asleep, he saw how much Clearsight truly loved him and how much she worried about him. Tribe Foeslayer [42], Whiteout was Arctic's daughter, and, according to Darkstalker, he often acted as though she was his only dragonet. Now, for the true hot take: Every fighting game should have story mode, because, different than gameplay, only story can make someone a "franchise fan". Enchanted to allow the user to walk through walls and turn invisible when turned clockwise, and then turn the user visible once more when it is turned counterclockwise. Soon there were two corpses, side by . While the tribe adjusted to the new territory, he showed Anemone to Fathom's old suite. Reference Animus magic [136] He wanted her to trust him, and she was noted to be one of the very few dragons he truly cared about, not putting any spells on her and trying to convince her to understand him. One night later, Foeslayer had been pacing, frustrated with Arctic for not meeting her, when Arctic used his magic to "freeze" Foeslayer's mother, phased through a wall, and told Foeslayer that they should run away together, then enchanted Foeslayer's earring to be protected from Diamond's enchantments. Tribe The next morning, Darkstalker left for the lost city of night with most of the tribe, leaving only forty to fifty NightWings in the Rainforest. *Thinks: I wish he would love ME! To make Fathom forget his animus oath, stop loving Indigo, and use his magic freely after his first sip from it. She was once in a school for humans, where they all treated her poorly for being a vampire, so she then moved to a monster academy, hoping she could make friends. A2 The next day, Darkstalker lead all the NightWings into the old kingdom. [7] His long tongue was blue and forked. To bring all Pyrrhian animi to his throne room. In an attempt to get Darkstalker talking, Turtle picked up a marble and placed it next to his feet. Darkstalker was hatched out of the egg with his God complex and a desire to be the center of attention. [55] He sobbed when they were reunited. [21] In one of Clearsight's visions, he was crying over a painting of Foeslayer by Whiteout. Darkstalker loved his mother and wanted to protect her in every way possible. [58], Darkstalker then suddenly appeared happier and more energetic, explaining that he had found a way to deal with all of his most annoying problems. Darkstalker decided to stay in the Rainforest Kingdom for a day. The book draws to a close as Fathom and Indigo were portrayed with their dragonets, Clearpool, Cowrie, and Ripple. Former [88] His choices were vengeful,[89] dark, and damaging,[90] even if he genuinely believed they would lead to the best future. And now, some of the stars from the Paramount drama. Kinkajou was not afflicted due to her immunity. But more on that later. Status [9] Diamond claimed to love Arctic, but was quick to remind him about her disapproval towards his choices. Modu, Maodun, Modun (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Md Chny, Modn Chny or Mdn Chny, from Old Chinese (220 B.C.E. Arctic is also mentioned several times later in brief scenes with Darkstalker. He says that as his father's only son, he has to "do this same villain" (Shakespeare 83). [63] He eventually was eerily blank when facing the concept of Foeslayer's death,[64] and wanted the NightWings to fear and respect him. Demitri Maximoff is a vampire and the main protagonist who first appeared in Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors . Mentioned in To keep Foeslayer warm, safe from harm, and immune to animus spells. [76] They were genuine friends,[138] and Darkstalker considered a party boring because Moonwatcher did not attend. [127] He would have followed Darkstalker anywhere,[128] and Darkstalker was often irritated by Fathom's caution towards animus magic. Moon revealed to her friends that it is Darkstalker's and not for them to use. Student at the NightWing school,King of the NightWings He mentioned that he and Snowflake were engaged, but forgot who she was, which Foeslayer used to tease him. At one point, Darkstalker even said that even Arctic knew he deserved what he got. Darkstalker is one of the main antagonists of the Wings of Fire book series, appearing as the main antagonist of the second arc. [31] Despite his seething hatred towards Darkstalker,[32] Arctic refused to kill his own son. [155], Present: Glory Darkstalker Battlewinner Snoke told him it was the way forward, the way to free himself of conflict. A3 A1 Whenever the user would point it in the direction of a dragon, it would freeze them whenever the user says "freeze." He was killed by Darkstalker's animus magic. [84] He was careful to feed his subjects' vanity and need for usefulness so that they would love him all the more. Still, I do have to admit Moka is a pretty interesting vampire. Darkstalker saw Winter as a threat[151] and cast a spell on him that would make Winter worship him and agree with everything Darkstalker said. Darkstalker enchanted Prince Arctic to obey his every command and made his father disembowel himself, and that scared the NightWings into fleeing their city and to the volcanic island. It was revealed that Darkstalker had enchanted Arctic to obey his every command, then instructed him to disembowel himself instead of murdering the IceWing himself as most believed. Clearsight told Darkstalker that an earthquake would make the whole side of Agate Mountain collapse and make Jade Mountain the tallest mountain instead. Related articles Star Wars 9 Rise of Skywalker: Palpatine clue hidden in Force Awakens Darkstalker went over to his rugged, abandoned school and found a painting of Clearsight. During the last part of the book, he tries to go to the Ice Kingdom with his daughter, Whiteout, whom he had enchanted to follow him and to speak normally. Darkstalker then declared that Flame is both the darkness of dragons and the stalker of dreams, causing Flame to protest that he was not any of that, asking what it would mean. Afterward, he told Moon he would make something else to keep his soul safe, as well as Anemone's. In the beginning of the book, Arctic sees Foeslayer and her mother, Prudence, arguing over the earring Arctic had gifted Foeslayer. He was devastated when he learned that over 5,012 years had passed since the Scorching. They flew off to save him from attempted murder and found him with his throat slashed, lying in a pool of blood, though miraculously, still alive. Clearsight then encountered Queen Vigilance and Allknowing in the garden. [146] This causes Turtle to enchant a stick, making it so that Turtle was entirely removed from Darkstalker's awareness. Arctic tries to prevent Foeslayer from being punished. [4] Darkstalker later used his talisman to enchant things in secret. Qibli suggested it was because of his actions and not his magic. After speaking to the NightWing students, Moon and Darkstalker sensed danger for Stonemover. Appeared in Mentioned in Comes to steal your very throne. Arctic was mentioned when Darkstalker said to. The Brightest Night Why are they glowing!" The last part was practically a yelp "Of course it's safe! GN Answer (1 of 8): Because Snoke told him too. [3] Arctic never looked Darkstalker in the eye, and often glared at him. Darkstalker ordered Arctic to follow him back to the Night Kingdom, where he made his father cut his tongue out after announcing how he had tried to betray the NightWings and was going to offer a detailed map of the kingdom so the IceWings could infiltrate it. [95] Darkstalker secretly hated SeaWings, specifically Anemone's family, because of their ancestry linking them to Fathom.[96]. He was dismissive,[24] defiant, and even grinned at Clearsight when confronted about manipulating her foresight ability to only see the good futures. [14] He was vengeful,[15] grim,[16] lost,[17] scornful,[18] angry,[19] bitter,[20] cold, and menacing. Special Powers But with Clearsights strong visions of the future, it made Darkstalker sad that she was never really in the present with him because they were "soulmates". Wife Eventually, he admitted to himself that Clearsight was not here and that she could not be, thus flying back to his tribe. Moonwatcher was Darkstalker's best friend when he emerged from Agate Mountain. When the vision returned, he turned fake Clearsight back into Fierceteeth and prepared the NightWings for war, granting many of them superpowers along the way. Hamlet did not kill his father. Darkstalker wanted to find out who tried to assassinate him, and Fathom became suspicious of Darkstalker. This is shown when he used his magic to return her favorite scavenger toy to her whenever it got lost. IceWings [65] Clearsight saw multiple highly likely futures in which Darkstalker killed her after she stole his talisman[66] and feared that Darkstalker would soon enchant away her and Fathom's ability to feel and think for themselves freely.[67]. When Turtle got Anemone to wake Kinkajou in the RainWing village, Darkstalker flew there, telling Anemone not to use her magic without permission, simultaneously confirming that he had cast a spell to detect animus magic. Darkstalker tried every enchantment he could think of, but nothing works. NightWings, IceWings Historical: Arctic Frostbite Opal Penguin Snowfox, Winter Icicle Alba Changbai Ermine, Cirrus Fjord Hvitur Ivory Lynx Snowflake Polar Bear, Darkstalker Whiteout Eclipse Fierceclaws Shadowhunter Typhoon, Great Ice Cliff Moon Globe Tree IceWing palace Diamond Caves, Approximately 2,007 years (hatched in roughly 3,007 AS). Calmly explaining to Whiteout that she had knocked over their marbles, he used his mind-reading to embarrass and infuriate all of them. He later snuck into their room to read the letter to himself. He also stated that he needed Qibli's mind to help him make the right choices and just wanted friends. He again chose Hope's safety over his desires which was one more step towards his redemption. Later on, Darkstalker went home and used his scroll to find out who tried to assassinate him. He broke his animus vow for Foeslayer, and longed for her to view him as a dragon who did not care much for rules. [112] He tried to keep her focused on the happy futures where they had dragonets, but ultimately manipulated Clearsight's ability against her will, even seeming defiant and indifferent when confronted. It seemed as if more dragons were out flying than Peril had seen in ages everyone wanted to spread their wings in the beautiful air. Incapacitated (as of Darkness of Dragons) To have the mind of a newly-hatched dragonet; to be able to speak. [83] He believed he was the greatest animus dragon to have ever lived, believing he was completely unstoppable and regarded others around him to be "boring, ordinary creatures". He enchanted more items that included an earring that made him look especially charming and handsome, a goblet that he planned to give to Fathom which was enchanted to make him forget Indigo, forget about his oath, and use his animus power freely Clearsight's moonstone earrings to make her see only happy futures, a pebble that made Indigo turn into the SeaWing carving that Fathom made, sneaky enchantments on other students at his school, and many more. Misunderstood people don't enchant their fathers to gore themselves, they don't turn an entire dragon tribe into blindly following superweapons for you to exact revenge on an entire tribe for you getting the bad one as a dad, either immediately after or thousands of years later. Moon refused to promote it because of the IceWing plague, and Darkstalker revealed that an IceWing-NightWing battle would take place at Jade Mountain because of his return. Qibli observed that the NightWings were letting Darkstalker lead the way even though he most likely did not know where the NightWings live in the rainforest. However, they were caught in the act by Arctic, who angrily scolded his son, warning him not to waste his animus power. [14] He wore a plain, white, half-hoop earring made of bone in his left ear. Rip out his tongue. To rip open his stomach with his talons. Throughout the books, Darkstalker showed signs of suspicion towards Qibli. Affiliations Darkstalker stated that he believed Anemone could have been someone who he could have worked alongside had she not tried to mess with him. After disemboweling his father, Darkstalker was an ancient NightWing-IceWing hybrid and one of the three main protagonists of Darkstalker. Written by MegaSalamence64. To allow the holder to walk in the dreams of any dragon they know or have seen, when the target is sleeping. Dante (Japanese: ), also known under the alias of Tony Redgrave (, Ton Reddogureibu), is a character and the main protagonist in Devil May Cry, an action-adventure hack and slash video game series by Japanese developer and publisher Capcom.Introduced as the protagonist of the 2001 game with the same name, Dante was a former devil hunter dedicated to . Later, as Moon suffers from a dream of a dark future, Darkstalker pulls her out of the vision. Arctic Darkstalker once took an after-school cooking class. Darkstalker then enchanted Flame's library card to turn it into an iron band and chain, trapping him in place. World of Light Deluxe. death battle would make him a multiverse busting planck timer via Thor and Ares scaling (he's actually fought and defeated Ares so this isn't the worst thing in the world) and the fact that he's destroyed Celestial armor in the past. After awakening from his sleeping spell, Darkstalker acted like a charming, sincere,[68] ambitious[69] leader, causing other dragons to follow him. Eventually, Darkstalker asked Fathom if he wanted to fly up to the Royal Tower and watch the lightning storm with him. GN As he neared his destination, he tried to remember that Moon would not like it if he killed her father. Is one of the egg with his God complex and a desire to be immune to enchantments by all animi... Arctic never looked Darkstalker in the eye, and Ripple new animus spell is cast know or seen! A party boring because Moonwatcher did not attend to his feet into their room to read letter! Told Darkstalker that an earthquake would make the whole side of Agate Mountain and... To use it is also mentioned several times later in brief scenes with Darkstalker Fathom 's old suite over., Darkstalker lead all the NightWings into the old kingdom the three protagonists! 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why did darkstalker kill his father