should smokers pay more for health insurance debate

I've given enough money for their addictively engineered products. Are you quitting for your health? Kytles practice also involves drafting affirmative action plans and he has represented employers in hundreds of affirmative action audits conducted by the OFCCP. For your family? And people who drive more than others, people who work 3 jobs, people who don't work enough, people who drink too much, those that don't drink enough. Although smoking has yet to be identified as a disability, it often does involve attendant health issues that are disabilities, and a court might accept a claim on the theory that a smoker was regarded as being disabled. Yes. Smokers are more likely to wind up in hospital as a direct result of their smoking habit; in fact, an estimated 19,000 Australians die each year as a result of smoking. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Not only should they pay higher costs through employment, but they should fund true universal health care with a $3 or more tax on each pack of cigarettes. Employers should continue assessing the impact of a differential on employee morale, productivity and workplace culture. A) Yes! They are using 25% more insurance, they should be paying 25% more! However, she says, as long as the program is correctly implemented and complies with federal and state laws, employers should have no concerns. as for fat people, for many, like some of my wife's relatives, it's a medical condition and being charged more for healthcare would be a "double wammy". The price of life insurance is based to an extent on the health of the insured. Most Americans believe smokers and obese people should pay more for health insurance, but they have mixed views on how to help the millions without any health insurance, according. People in the lowest class, who cant afford to make health changes or simply don't have time to work out because they have to provide for the family, are essentially being punished for not having the "spare time". Next, we will all be screened genetically, and anyone who has a predisposition for any illness or disease will be excluded acquiring insurance. We're both fat, and we both smoke. The important thing to remember is that effective wellness programs, along with smoking cessation programs, can enable employers both to control and limit their health care costs and enhance employee productivity. For individual health plans the kind you buy on your own the Affordable Care Act lets insurance companies charge 50 percent higher premiums for smokers than nonsmokers. By some sort of body mass formula? charge higher insurance premiums to employees who smoke, and some companies refuse to hire smokers. Healthy, beautiful people have all the advantages in life. But then, when people, known as "humans", fall prey to this propaganda blitz and believe that cigarettes make them cool and ice cream will make them happy, then they and they alone are responsible for the consequences? Is that what we want for healthcare? That is why we are $13 trillion in debt nobody wants to be responsible. If that philosophy is applied, then why not charge more for people whose families have a history of cancer of heart disease? I don't like the idea of singling groups out. Its all about personal responsibility..If you are unwilling to maintain a healthy lifestyle then you should be paying more than those of us who work at it..I am tired of paying high premiums to support those who don't care about their health -time to pay the piper ! It seems unfair to those of us that take care of our health? They should foot the bill for the fat and un-healthy. Somewhere along our travels as a society we've lost our compassion and will not to discriminate and replaced these with greed and contempt. It is a shame what american society has come to with everyone making an excuse for overweight people. Here, in fact, is an estimate of how tobacco surcharges influence insurance enrollment rates among smokers and non-smokers. If they participate and make improvements then there is no impact. Anyone can get sick or get cancer, have a horrid wreck and we all should have the same rates. Become part of a like-minded community. After all they are more likely to have higher health care costs! Raise taxes on cigarettes and have that money go towards healthcare. These folks made the decision to smoke, so they should pay more. The arguement that it will hurt poor people doesn't hold any water. The employer cant just hope the employee finds out about the wellness program either, Weston says. The under-25s are least likely to support the principle of solidarity in healthcare, with almost half saying leading an unhealthy lifestyle is grounds for higher health insurance premiums. Should auto insurance favor safe drivers with discounts? The opinions expressed here are those of the authors, not The Hastings Center. Here are a few tips for quitting smoking: Find your why. "Tobacco use" is using any tobacco product an average of four or more times a week within the last six months. Oh cool! Well, the creators of the Affordable Care Act (or the ACA, a.k.a. Sin taxes have never worked, and hurt those in the lower economic brackets much more. And its not guarenteed that all smokers will burden the health care system. People that are overweight also are electing to be overweight. People are already having to pay to much, and if you already have something such as diabetes you pay more.All I see is greed and another way to make people pay. If people can't be motivated to change their bad habits on their own, maybe higher health care costs will make them think twice about their choices. Compare Club makes health insurance simple - it only takes a minute to get an estimate that fits your needs. That is the right solution, not charging people more for health insurance because they have a problem. We, AOL, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. Also, smokers miss 6.16 days of work per year compared to non-smokers' 3.86 days, and four ten-minute smoke breaks equate to . Health insurance companies continue to hike premiums and co-pays unfettered. But non-smokers have rights, too. Sure why not? This is kind of what private health insurance risk analysts do. This is a BETA experience. Ive had the privilege of knowing more than a few extraordinarily brilliant people from whose mouths seemed to spill spontaneous gems of polished prose. Jack, Where do you draw the line? Then, would not liquor users be the next target. How about we raise rates on all stupid people who do not do what their doctor tells them ! This is just another way for these insurance companies to FATTEN there wallets. Tax credits to help pay for health insurance are available to. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Join 150,000+ subscribers Get KevinMD's most popular stories. Exor Puerto Rico, USA. Three steps ought to be taken. After all, those type of people are much more likely to run up high doctor bills. Smokers face significantly increased health risks, which can drive up the cost of their overall health care, as well as high prices for cigarettes. This is a green light for insurance companies to continue making their own rules. But is it worth the adde A guide to Overseas Health Cover (OVHC) Visa 600. They do not live as long and even getting treatment for those conditions is no fun. But unfortunately it is not popular across the country if govt. Hospitals charge a kings ransom for a box of Kleenex. The increased cost of cigarettes is the strongest influence in getting people to smoke. Yes, Jack. These people should absolutely pay more for their healthcare. Many can only afford cheap hamburgers, bologna, potatoes, mac and cheese, and cheap frozen pizzas-Especially in the South where wages are generally lower. Not all products available from our partners are compared and not all products are available to all customers. The health insurance surcharge applies to users of all types of tobacco, including pipes, cigars, cigarettes and chewing tobacco. It says smokers consume about 25% more health care services than nonsmokers. Pepperell, MA. Click Manage settings for more information and to manage your choices. Or. Only if drunks & drug addicts will pay more. All this can be prevented, there is no excuse whatsoever for smoking and for remaining overweight and not actively trying to change. E) Probably not. Another noteworthy point is that the US does not allow foreign competitors (health insurers) to enter the market, thereby aiding domestic insurers to raise rates at will and exploit the ignorant consumers. These folks just wants to get more money from other. Dont blame it on the sunshine, dont blame it on the moonlight, dont blame it on the good times, blame it on the Economy. 'Pacing' for Long COVID; China Reports 60K COVID Deaths; Abortion Jury in Virginia? This surcharge is also known as tobacco rating, and states may opt out or . absolutely- I am tired of having to give up my seat on the bus to someone who is grossly overweight- you choose to eat fast food I have no problem with that= just don't expect me to cover your heath care costs -when I watch my weight, go to the gym and watch my diet all in the attempt to remain healthy.-and to keep health care costs under control. Well, if employers require certain employees to pay more, this would join low wages and uncertain tenure as reasons to avoid employers entirely. In addition, some states have laws protecting employees who engage in legal off-duty conduct such as smoking. If a union is in the picture, a differential would probably be a mandatory subject of bargaining. That's the last thing they want. Ethics Consult: Potentially Hasten Baby's Death to Ease Suffering? Yes. Some large corporations are telling their employees if they smoke they will have to pay more for their health insurance. Of course they should pay more. Though smoking is often seen as an adult issue, we should continue to support the many excellent anti-smoking campaigns and participate in research that helps us understand how to encourage adolescents that have started smoking to kick some butt. Yes Jack, this is what we need. Or a family history of colon cancer? However, I don't think there should be a set fee. came here to say this, and I agree. I find it amusing that Walmart is going to raise health care costs for its smoking employees. Its also unclear what happens if you complete a required smoking cessation program at work but do not quit. Please see our FSG. Thus, in the name of anti-discrimination (tobacco lobby) and ensuring access for the poor (the anti-cancer groups). Sadly, yes ! Will the family get refunded if their fat smoking father drops dead without lingering for a decade or so with non-smoking low fat diseases like arthritis or dementia? But is this plan moral? As for a flat tax, I mean fat tax, ask New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. These include, but are not limited to: man buns and beards; whether jam or cream goes first on a scone; the colour of The Dress; and smoking. Hate to be a bearer of bad tidings, but you have to put yourself in their shoes. That doesn't make any sense. If Australia responded to popular demand and moved towards a risk-based system, smokers could find themselves facing higher premiums. If you drive reckless you have to pay more but if you follow the speed limit and drive responsibly you pay less. Smokers can have access to a comprehensive policy that offers them wide coverage and might even cover critical illnesses too. Reuters reports a growing number of companies are raising health care costs for so-called unhealthy employees. Personally, I have abandoned the US Insurance system and contracted with a private German carrier for international coverage. But no, I don't think so, because lower socio-economic classes have a higher burden of smokers and can't afford to pay more. Lord knows this country needs both. Some of these forgoers pay a penalty, but many others dont. If I'm 10 pounds over weight and smoke one cigarette per week, will I have to pay as much as a person who is 100 pounds over weight and smokes two packs per day? Fair is fair! "Fat" people. Immunocompromised People Cant, Read Popular Culture and Bioethics: Severance. Employers cannot discriminate against smokers by asking them to pay more for their insurance unless the surcharge is part of a broader effort to help them quit, said Karen L. Handorf, a lawyer who specializes in employee benefits for Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll in Washington. Working-age Americans are not legally required to purchase health insurance. While these kind of arguments have yet to establish much legal traction, they can be expected to be advanced. They do, Jack. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Not surprisingly, implementing a differential does involve some risk. I feel great and I saved a fortune on potato chips and junk food. I Jack gain weight if I try to live on 500, 1000, or even 1500 calories a day. Heres how to protect yourself from its side-effects. I should be paying the same rate for health insurance as a 21 year old! What is a qualifying life event for special enrollment? RELATED:Theres something in your fridge thats just as ageing as smoking, Its not hard to see why people think this way; smoking has been linked to a long list of serious and often life-threatening health impacts, including lung damage, raised blood pressure and reduced blood flow, reduced bone density and increased risk of several cancers. If this tax means it will help people stay more healthy, reduce the out of control obesity in America, and lower health care be it! cy from arlington, va. The Netherlands still has 3.1 million smokers, of whom 465,000 smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day. is this what we want to teach our kids? These people are choosing to eat more than they burn. I assume the people who will have the biggest issue with the proposal will be the very people engaging in unhealthy behavior because, if you're a healthy individual, why would you possibly oppose this? He has a brain tumor. I am already paying a $25 per week surcharge to my insurance carrier due to smoking. The debate continues, because ultimately smoking is a voluntary act that undoubtedly affects individual health and, in turn, the public and private healthcare system. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Do not use a strange doctor for the facts, use a local doctor in town to spread the facts about obesity. Figure out how much you'll save. Read New York Citys Involuntary Commitment Plan: Fulfilling a Moral Obligation? Insurance companies argue that its only fair to charge tobacco users more. Sure, as well as people with over active tyroids, and underactive thyroids, and those with ADHD, and those on high blood pressure medicine, and anyone with a pre-existing condition including acne, as some insurance companies rate it. Yes, I think they should be part of any risk pool their state has. But that's a story for another day. Four-fifths of states follow that protocol, though most employer-based . What about motorcyclists or people who jog at night wearing all black like an asshole? Clearly, more research is needed on the relationship between financial incentives and smoking cessation. Without a doubt they should be paying more. If smoking will not be banned, then double its price. Another thing to keep in mind: although smoking does not affect your health insurance premiums at the moment, it is possible that the rules could change in future. Good Question! If you have a certain prescription, or just have a test ordered from your doctors, the insurance companies will raise the premiums once a year regardless of whether this condition has been confirmed or not. This is a great idea. By charging smokers higher health insurance rates, insurance companies can make people pay a price for the risks they take. You will be charged YES! If smokers and over weight people are require to pay more for health insurance, then its consider a penalty. Please read the comment policy. First, the surcharge makes insurance more expensive, meaning it is harder for people to afford. Then if you don't smoke and are not over weight, plus you don't use health insurance for years, is there a discount? However, because smokers and obese people die younger than healthy individuals, healthy individuals had the highest lifetime health care expenditures. Compare Club makes it simple to choose a better energy plan. Why not if your bad habit increases your health care costs. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They take non-stop breaks throughout the day, contaminate air outside the office (and drag it inside as well), and drive up health care costs for everyone. Just as your auto loan down payment and interest rate are computed by your credit, income, stability, etc which creates the exposure to the risk of loan default. Connecticut prohibits tobacco rating for health insurance plans that are sold in its state-run marketplace only. Then we get into a whole debate over which stupid behavior deserves discounted healthcare and which doesn't. Note they wouldn't pay more for health care but health care insurance. *Average savings based off 25,311 customers during 2020, **Average savings based on 111,658 policies sold Jan 2017 - Nov 2021. I think popular Cable News Personalities should pay more for Health Care. as for smokers , they no wht will happen to them.. an tht question should been broader n liittle mre respected. Add to prior comment: Employers, however, have no business even asking these questions and companies should be banned from forcing them to. Why should I pay for other peoples bad choices. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Taking up smoking cessation programs by insurers lowers health insurance premiums for smokers. C) Is a longer and improved life not a good motivation? Should you die, the insurance company pays the death benefit to your chosen beneficiary. Smoking has nothing to do with genetics and people only can't stop smoking because they were foolish enough to start in the first place. Both are just as costly in care as smoking/weight. Of those people, two thirds agreed that people who smoke should have to pay higher premiums than non-smokers. A complete guide to short-term health insurance. Smokers, however, should definitely pay more for health care, etc. Why have we let our diseased health care system go untreated? I run and workout quite a bit and in physical shape, but according to Body Mass Index, I'm considered obese. No JackThat`s just wrong!!!! are killing us anyway wth bills n medicine we are always use as the puppets. But remember, smoking is more common among low-income populations, meaning those people have a harder time paying for insurance. They have NO incentive to find cures for cancer and other illnesses because they would lose a fortune if they did. I have always thought it odd that smokers are so shunned, at least in part because of the health problems and costs they bring, while the wilfully overweight are victims of the fast food industry. People who've had children out of wedlock, because clearly they didn't use protection, and also put themselves at risk for disease? Another tax on the poor and middle class in terms of a health insurance "surtax" will not fix the problem. Want a weekly round-up in your inbox? Now that's the question you need to be asking. If we single out those addictive diseases such as smoking and over eating, then why not single out those who eat fast food, those who use alcohol or recreational drugs, and why not charge the poorest of our society more as proper nutrition and hygiene are often less available. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I could stand to lose a few pounds. People have known for years that smoking causes a variety of health problems and, especially if these companies are offering programs to assist in quitting, there is no reason nowadays to still be partaking. Yes, so should people who drink, people who are diabetic, people who have heart problems or even people with genetic problems-it will all balance out- we all will pay. What are they planning for the medicaid system, smokers and fat individuals that receive public assistance and free insurance. In addition, the ACA tries to make insurance affordable for more people by subsidizing the price of their insurance. The benchmark for all insurance underwriting is computed by an exposure to risk formula. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Or you don't wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle or bicycle? While smokers pay much higher premiums for life cover, they generally do not pay more for health cover. Fresh food is cheaper than junk food and less food costs less than more food. The slippery slope of legal assisted suicide and euthanasia. There, I saw firsthand the incredibly high rate of smoking in a population that was mostly hidden from me in my everyday life. How much do you think a video cassette player would sell for these days? This guide is opinion only and should not be taken as medical or financial advice. i don't enjoy going to the gym all the time, i don't enjoy skipping dessert for another chicken breast but I choose to be healthy and not be a drain on society and our healthcare system. If we are to receive adequate healthcare in this very backward country, we must rein the medical industry in tightly. While it is important to encourage people to stop smoking, charging smokers higher insurance rates may not be a fair or effective method of achieving this goal. And we'd love to know where you're writing from, so please include your city and state with your comment. If you're quitting smoking, consider annual renewable term life If you smoke tobacco or cannabis, vape, or chew tobacco, you will pay more for life insurance. But this is not true. By clicking Accept all you agree that Yahoo and our partners will process your personal information, and use technologies such as cookies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights, and product development. Still, HIPAA allows some leeway for a differential if employers establish a non-smoking program as part of a wellness program providing a reward for participation in the form of a reduced premium for not smoking. This is simply the legitimizing, and establishing of a class system here in the U.S. via the Health Care system! If you choose to inhale smoke and you choose to eat fast food and unhealthy crap in vast quantities, then you choose to pay more for healthcare. Instead, if they can afford insurance but choose not to purchase it, they pay a penalty. Maybe we can answer this by expanding your question: what if a person is an alcoholic? So instead, companies are now going to start making these employees pay more. People who've had venereal diseases, including cold sores, because they're more likely to acquire other diseases? It's a habit that's known to have a detrimental impact on your health. The fact is we can all blame genetics for one thing or the other. We should tax people for smoking, not for receiving health insurance. You bet, Jack. What if that person has a contagious disease? Health care? This is why congressman Paul Ryan and fellow republicans love health insurance companiesmore money in the end for them. To appreciate the solution, let me expand on the flaws in health insurance surcharges. Posted by Susan Gilbert at 09/19/2013 02:47:13 PM|. Every day, I wish more and more that Canada wasn't so damn cold. Smokers miss an average of 6.16 days of work per year compared to 3.86 days missed by non-smokers, and a smoker taking four 10-minute smoke breaks per day works one month less per year than a non-smoker. So to those healthy ones out there shouting "YES they should charge".. beware, they may be charging you for breathing fresh air one day! Anti-cancer groups and the tobacco industry have effectively joined forces to prevent some of the new insurance exchanges from implementing a surcharge for smokers. The federal health law allows states to charge smokers up to 50 percent more for a health plan, but a bill moving forward in the California Legislature would prevent that from happening.. Shame on you! Don't destroy me, it was just an interesting thought I had when thinking about government health care. Healthy Reader tired of making excuses for my fellow Lazy Americans. Now with that said, if such a system is forced down my throat should Smokers Pay more taxes for healthcare? Jack: Should fat people and smokers pay more for healthcare insurance? The odds. Directionally people need to be responsible for their choices. A natural response . The authors concluded thatreducing smoking and obesity will not save society health care costs. Since it would be impossible, and unfair, to have exepmtions for all the possiblities of lifestyle choice or legitimate medical neccessity, charging more for the obese is a tough call. Or addicted to prescription medication? This is a stupid idea. States, however, can set their own rules to reduce or eliminate that surcharge, and 10 so far have chosen to do so. Unsurprisingly, the majority of them are not in favor of having to pay more for their health insurance premiums. Wall-Mart charges smokers more than any other company, requiring them to pay $2,000 extra per year. Should fat people and smokers pay more for healthcare insurance? Isn't it time somebody DONE somthing about this stuff ?! Absolutely they should pay more, but if people dont like that idea because they think that it may discriminate the smokers and fat people then how about us skinny and non smokers get a break on insurance cost for being healthy. So why should healthy people pay subsidize healthcare for unhealthy people? People who work in office jobs and sit all day since that's terrible for you? Last week, Dallas County in Texas joined the growing ranks of employers that charge employees who smoke a higher monthly health insurance premium than employees who don't light up. Foot the bill for the fat and un-healthy raise health care responsibly pay. Economic brackets much more the majority of them are not in favor of having to pay 2,000... Costs for its smoking employees happens if you drive reckless you have pay! 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should smokers pay more for health insurance debate