i slapped my boyfriend and i feel horrible

Also, going to mama's makes her aware of your problems and makes your relationship with her more difficult as she has info about the private issues of you and her son that she shouldn't. Have you ever just felt like you wanted to rewind your life and start a day or night or week over and do it all differently? I'm not an angry person. These intervention types can help recognize where the errors in judgment were, why they occurred and provide methods for managing angry and violent behavior before it can manifest. It may be painful and messy, but that will pass. I would easily advise someone else who had been hit to leave. For more information, please read our. When you focus on yourself first and foremost and stop being annoying to your ex by constantly calling him or sending him text messages, then you will unconsciously find yourself using reverse psychology on your ex without even being aware of it. Commit to improving in the future and stick to your word. jessb86a Many do not wish to have this kind of inner perspective. While it certainly is not excusable to be violent with your significant other in any situation, recognizing what you have done can be the important first step towards resolving the situation. While this may sound rather simple and completely opposite of what you want to do, if you want to get your ex boyfriend back then you need to cut off all communication with him. I hit my boyfriend is a phrase that has been said more than a few times, often in regret, in stories that have gone ignored. It has to be sincere and the priority in the wake of hitting a boyfriend. The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. You didn't use your words, you lashed out. I was hesitant to pursue counseling at the beginning, but I truly believe that it is making a difference for our relationship. Well in your ex's eyes that is exactly what you have appeared to become, something they cannot have. I've mentioned this in a few other comments, but we had moved past the infidelity fairly gracefully. Relationship Advice Forum for Men and Women, Hosted by Mimi Tanner. It means being disrespected, disregarded, hurt, ignored and devalued. I am going to cut this short. It's a classic move. He's causing you hurt and anxiety and he does it anyway. This may be a tough task when all you can think about is hot to get him back. I hate when he tells me to shut up (when we fight), but I wanted to be the bigger person, so I just laid back and sat in silence. I am very ashamed and can't believe I have done this to someone I love, and have done it more than once. His faith is so incredible and I'm so grateful for it. You domestically abused your boyfriend. He made me angry and upset, and now hasn't spoken to me in two days, should I reach out? It can kill someone. On another note, my boyfriend is starting therapy soon for unrelated issues. Posts are moderated for respect, equanimity, grace, and relevance. I burst in to tears saying I am sorry and I didn't mean to slap him. Make your boyfriend feel loved with these love words for him. Personally, I've been slapped a few times in my dating career. That is definitely not the way to get your ex boyfriend back. What happens if she gets drunk and something similar happens again? I felt okay seeing him, but then later, it all just felt so weird. I love him more than anything and I know he was just trying to help. This may be true. Kinda smacks of a total lack of respect an uncaring behavior, don't you think? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm actually in counseling to work on these things and I thought I was getting "better" and then when the opportunity to prove myself arose, I still lost all control and now I think I've lost him again and for good. Block him. Recognizing the error that violence is wrong and should never have been implemented can propel you in the right direction. He thinks the violence was funny? Do not engage in any way, period. Started Thursday at 10:00 PM, By Thanks for your answers, they really helped. If somewhere between all that you slapped him, I don't blame you. The man usually is stronger and can never. Did you witness a lot of violence in your childhood? You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with a qualified mental health professional. It's your boyfriend's choice to forgive you. You are not off the hook, as you slapped him. I want to be a better person, I want to never hit him or anyone else again for that matter. Thread closed. I've personally know a good friend of mine who began in a similar situation such as yourself. Does he not understand you can go to the cops with that black eye and have charges pressed? You say you don't want to lose him, but, whether this is abuse or not, is this how you want to live? Then he started mocking me and laughing in my face and then I slapped him. My boyfriend of three years slapped me across the face a few nights ago. I think it was largely miscommunication (I misunderstood something he said about it), but I also think that it's time we lay this to rest. I've decided that I'm going to start as well. His leaving and refusing to respond is another power move. I am happy to see that most of the commenters in this thread seem to see this the same way as well. Take some time by yourself and look at what you were feeling at the time you slapped your boyfriend. What if she hits him, not with her fists, but with a bat or something out of anger? Like so many other times in relationships, this is an opportunity. Far too many perpetrators think that the violence they have committed is okay, that they have not done anything wrong. toughlove1993 Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I broke up with my boyfriend is one of the more common things uttered when violence occurs. We have talked about it, he's aware of how it makes me feel but has continued to do it. Getting an ex back is difficult if you were dumped. Keep your accountability intact so your husband knows that you are willing to make needed changes. My guess is that someone taught you early on that hitting is OK. A parent? I've been together with my boyfriend for a little over a month (both 15) and im starting to think I am a lesbian. Declare it. However he kept on following me and shouting at me, I was shouting back of course and throwing insults back then he randomly ran up to me from across the street and pushed me extremely hard - it made me take a couple steps back. "My partner emasculates me by hitting me each time." Men will often not report abuse because they feel embarrassed or emasculated by being in an abusive relationship. But I can't help it but this morning I woke up feeling very guilty, depressed and embarrassed I slapped him. Far too many apologies happen that arent completely sincere, and it winds up leading to further damage to the relationship as well as further violence. Abuse is trauma, and trauma impacts people in a large number of ways. I really love him and I don't know why I get so violent. Ask your boyfriend if they feel safe having a quick conversation. It's horrible when we lose control and really screw things up. There's no need anymore. Susan dispatched the letter Jimmy and decided not to bother him or have any contact with him at all for some time. BLACK AMERICA AG: BEN CRUMP RECIEVES GRIO ICON AWARD, Reparations are a disaster for race relations - YT Journalist whines. She didn't start apologizing again as she considered she had already done so both verbally and in writing.. One day, Susan bought two tickets to a rock band that she knew Jimmy liked hearing and which was in town for one single concert. I truly want to change and don't know why it is so hard for me. Your boyfriend might forgive you after talking it out and want to keep the relationship going. Keep your hands to yourself. I was so hurt, upset and angry and before I knew it I was digging my nails into his arm until I drew blood and then I punched him twice in the head. Identifying the emotions that cause these violent outbursts plays an important key in ensuring that those violent tendencies do not light again. My boyfriend kissed me goodbye (he said he was leaving early because he had work the next day, which was true.) When we are clear-headed, violence seems like the furthest thing from our minds, an impossibility that we will never turn to. I have been with my children since they were born with very little to no breaks in between. Without it, there cannot be growth, and without growth, there cannot be a commitment to non-violence. So pay attention to this next bit. I checked my phone a while later and my boyfriend had sent me a message saying that it wasn't okay for me to hit him like I did, and that he didn't want to see or talk to me and that I should go home to sleep instead of going to his place. And yes, I am very remorseful. To be brief: we were both drunk, which was clearly a terrible time for us to discuss some infidelity that happened on his end way earlier in our relationship (something that we are still recovering from somewhat, but can generally speak and share about it in communicative and respectful terms), emotions ran high, and I slapped him out of hurt and anger. I wouldn't blame my boyfriend if he decided to. Very sad, because I genuinely believe you are truly remorseful. If the tables were turned I wouldn't want to be with an abuser either. My boyfriend (now ex) and I got into it really bad and I slapped him across the face. I was shocked, both because I slapped him and he responded by punching me. I slapped my boyfriend, he punched my arm. Alcohol And Anger: A Violent Cocktail Mixed By An Angry Drunk, The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Survivors, Partners, And Children, Types Of Domestic Violence Help Out There, Domestic Violence Statistics You Need To Know, The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence And What Its Doing To Help, Understanding Domestic Violence And What It Means For You, Scratching, slapping, kicking, biting, pinching, or punching. No more ignoring, no more games; from this point on your life will never be the same. She suggested that Jimmy come with her as his friend. It can occur within a range of relationships, including married couples, living together, or dating. I'm 24, he's 28. Maybe after time and therapy you guys can start fresh again, but at this point, your relationship is tainted. People are telling OP that because she is not normally an aggressive person by nature and that this was the first time something like this happened, the relationship can be fixed. I'm so conflicted. Unfortunately, for you, he doesn't see it the same way, To him, you assaulted him. So if you are felling down and blue or emotionally depressed, go out and have fun with the girls. The most common instance occurs with a separation. I ruined something great by losing control. Thus Susan found herself in a very in a quandary. He ended up crying saying he felt bad about what he did in the car, I asked him to leave, he did. I don't feel well and really want to go home." I guarantee you he'll be back. Here are a few other signs that a person has caused or is causing abuse: None of these are okay. Because of my Dad's affair, my Mom fell into a deep depression and was an alcoholic (she has since recovered) and so I spent most of my time alone, I am an only child. This means more than 10 million women and men are experiencing physical violence or sexual abuse in a relationship each year in a given year. I'm 24, he's 28. I know what I did was wrong, and if I slap someone then I deserve it back. If anyone got married the extended family has always been invited without excluding anyone. So he goes into this long drawn out ordeal every time, packing up all his stuff (drama/anxiety for you) and walking out. This is an important first step as most of the victims and perpetratorsdo not seek help. You're afraid he won't come back. Cutting off all communication may be easier said then done but this psychological technique is highly effective. The stranger should've told him to blip off and if he hit you they'd call the cops. Please help me. Ok. I don't think I deserve it. You are right about there being something clearly wrong if this is something that still managed to get to me so many months later. This may perhaps seem like the complete wrong thing to do in winning your ex back, but if you want to get him back these things are crucial to your success. My boyfriend then apologised to me for his actions and letting bottled things up when he could have spoke to me when it was annoying him. But I don't know what kind of person you and your boyfriend are. The United Nations website defines abuse by saying: "Domestic abuse, also called "domestic violence" or "intimate partner violence," can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. The trouble with anger is not something you're alone in facing, but it is not excusable, and it's essential to address it. Men are abused far more than general perception would have you believe. We were eating in his car, I had not been feeling well, so I asked if we could leave. My boyfriend and I got into an argument this past weekend. Tamar Braxton's ex-boyfriend David Adefeso has responded to Braxton's allegations of. Started Monday at 08:56 AM, By That's a power/threat move. This makes your ex want you back more then ever. I know that's pretty meaningless, but I don't. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Is there anywhere else you can stay for the time being? Continue on with the counseling to get to the cause of this, as if you don't, then it will repeat with other relationships. People can feel betrayed or hurt, emotions escalate to unhealthy levels, and people do things they wish they had not. I'm scared all those articles aren't wrong. Feeling horrible. I woke up with a bruise on my arm. Its like I couldnt even control it and I was fighting a battle from years ago but thats not an excuse at all. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. According to the World Health Organization or WHO, 27% of women between the ages of 15 and 49 who have been in a relationship report having been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner. I've read up on the Abuse Wheel and other signs and manners of abuse. Getting an ex back after you have misbehaved yourself and dumped him can become very complicated. Part of this commitment involves being more aware of emotions and their impact. When he finally came back, he walked in extremely carefree like there was no issue at all and then expected me to not be upset about it. How old are you? When we left, we were walking down the road and he just exploded to me. It IS abuse. There are many common instances where domestic violence occurs, either in boyfriend or girlfriends or husbands and wives. Now, he is getting REALLY angry. I honestly didn't think I carried residual anger or resentment about it- but obviously I have further reflecting to do. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He's smug and continues to state he's not at fault. So you shouldn't be with him. But the misconception that women are the only ones facing this abuse is just that: a misconception. And, once it has, you'll find peace with yourself, and clarity on what to do. I hit my boyfriend. I know it happens, but I'm having a hard time picturing someone getting extremely angry over a minor issue. Get The Support You Need From One Of Our Therapists. Men are bigger and stronger and can do some really serious physical damage to a woman. I asked again if we could leave, he said "just wait for these people to move." SwatTeamLeader, September 23, 2022, By That you can lay your hands on someone without them getting hurt and pissed with you?! Take photos of your injuries. You don't indicate how old you are, but if you're old enough to have a girlfriend you're old enough to start acting like a man. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. What "one thing led to another"? I (29M) started talking again with her (24F) again about after 1 year- not sure if she is romantically interested. Really, I do. I would wholeheartedly recommend her as a counselor.. I don't know what to do. Manage Settings You're so annoying, shut up.". How do I apologize to my boyfriend for hurting him? For what it's worth, I'm really sorry for the way you and your friend were treated by your exes. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. I've never done anything like that before in my life. Yea I didn't see that. I've heard lots of relationship problems but the only ones who have ever used Jekyll/Hyde in the description are in abusive relationships. How do i ask him for time apart without him blittling me? I completely understand why he needs space and doesn't want to be with me. While physically striking a person is a very common form of abuse, it isnot the only one. I've never thrown or hit an inanimate object out of anger before. If he would have kicked you out where would you have gone? Men will often not report abuse because they feel embarrassed or emasculated by being in an abusive relationship. You have matured and you are finally in control of yourself and your emotions. How do you apologize for hitting someone? however last evening I was triggered from something thats never triggered me before, and I had a very dramatic and serious flashback like I havent had in the past few months (I have been doing EMDR therapy). It always happens so quickly and it's like I'm another person and before I know it, it's too late. Has this happened to anyone else? The best way to get your ex boyfriend back is to go out and enjoy yourself. I just I could have gotten help sooner so this most recent "attack" had never happened. It's amazing to me that he forgives me. Here's what I would do: Accept that you fucked up, big time. I hit my boyfriend because he wont listen happens far too often. While "domestic violence" and "intimate partner violence" are terms that can be used interchangeably, the difference between the two is that domestic violence can happen between any two individuals who are living together. It means always being less than, not an equal. I want to learn how to have the will to just walk away from the situation instead of blowing up at it. To you, your reason of being dissed made it justifiable. It doesn't make it right for the woman to do it either. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 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i slapped my boyfriend and i feel horrible